5G EVE at Online Workshop on 5G Trials in Europe

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5G EVE Mauro Boldi - 5G Trials Workshop 2020On 14 October, 5G EVE coordinator Mauro Boldi from TIM presented the 5G EVE project at an online workshop on “5G Experimentation Facilities and Vertical Trials: Current Status and Future Perspectives”. The workshop attracted almost 100 participants. It was organised by the Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of the Greek National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” in the framework of 5G PPP infrastructure project 5GENESIS, which they are coordinating, and 5G PPP vertical use case project 5G!Drones.

The main goal of the workshop was to present the recent developments of the 5G experimentation facilities of the three 5G PPP infrastructure projects and the vertical trials by the 5G PPP use case projects. To complete the 5G picture, the workshop also featured presentations by projects under the Horizon 2020 topics “Secure Societies” and “5G Long Term Evolution”, showing 5G trials related to first responder teams and discussing future perspectives of 5G.

Mauro Boldi’s presentation was part of the “5G Experimentation Platforms” session, which was moderated by Prof. Pedro Merino from the University of Malaga. In his talk on the “5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials”, he presented the vision, architecture and roadmap of 5G EVE’s end-to-end validation platform as well as the site facilities in France, Greece, and Spain.

Further information

Online workshop page

5G EVE presentation slides (pdf)

Video recording of the ‘5G Experimentation Platforms’ session (5G EVE presentation starts at 32:35)

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