5G EVE demo booth at EuCNC 2019 attracted much attention

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5G EVE power-grid demoAt EuCNC 2019 in Valencia, Spain, 17-21 June, 5G EVE had a large demo booth, which attracted considerable attention among the participants from Europe and abroad. In an online vote, the 5G EVE booth was ranked by the audience among the top booths of the exhibition.

The 5G EVE demo booth provided an overview on the four 5G EVE site facilities and their current implementation status. The demos focused on the core technological activities of 5G EVE, which mainly include enabling verticals to validate 5G PPP KPIs.

The 5G EVE booth included the live demonstration of use cases from the Spanish and Greek site:

The Spanish site demo consisted of an Automatic Guided Vehicle (AGV) demonstration and a media & entertainment demonstration. The AGV demo (see video) consisted of a live retransmission from the 5TONIC labs, where real AGVs were operating.

The Greek site demo consisted of a combined demonstration of Smart City and Smart Energy verticals empowered by an intent-based mechanism. The first demo showcased the exchange of sensor data and actions over a 5G slice, while data generated by the sensors are processed via a cloud-based platform. The second demo (see video) showcased a small-scale representation of a distributed smart grid with ultra-fast, ultra-reliable recovery capabilities.

In addition to the live demonstrations, two videos from the Italian and French site facilities were shown. The Italian site video showed the current deployment of sensors and other infrastructures in a real Smart City environment in Turin, which allows the smooth integration of applications by verticals. The French site 360-degree video presented a use case based on Open Source 4G RAN and CORE OAI and NR 5G OAI.

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